
The 18-40-60 Rule

by Ron Sherbert in Personal Development

When you’re 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you’re 40, you don’t give a darn what anybody thinks of you; when you’re 60, you realize nobody’s been thinking about you at all.

– Dr. Daniel Amen

The first time I read that quote was in an email that I received from John Lee Dumas a.k.a. JLD. For those of you who don’t know who John Lee Dumas is, he has a podcast show named Entrepreneurs on FIRE. You can find his podcast in the Apple iTunes store.

The quote from Dr. Daniel Amen is incredibly true. When we were young and have just graduated from high school and college, we were afraid to do things for fear of what our friends and what other people might think of us. Many are unwilling to do something different because of this fear.


As we get older and approach middle age, we get to the point where we don’t care what anybody thinks about us. We’re too busy trying to get the things that need to be done for our families and for ourselves to even be worried about what other people think about us. We finally get to a place where we don’t care what other people think.

And then we get on to later in life, around 60 years old, we realize that everyone was too busy worrying about themselves and their own lives to be thinking of us since the time we were 18 years old!

If you happen to be young and you’re worried about what other people are thinking about you, it’s time to put those thoughts out of your mind.

Once you put those thoughts out of your mind, you can start enjoying your life by doing all the things you want to do without having any worries.

Remember: it’s only you that is thinking about what others are thinking about you.

Other people are too worried about their own lives to be musing over yours. So start living your life the way you desire, do things and accomplish goals based on what you think would make you a better individual, and build your dreams on what inspires you and what makes you feel alive.

After all, there is no better feeling than getting up every morning because your heart is filled with a certain inspiration to be the best: yourself.

Have you ever let the thought of what someone else would think about you hold you back from doing something you wanted to do or wish you had done?

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